About us

Cambridge Curriculum
A challenging, internationally-recognised curriculum taught in English from Kindergarten to 10th Grade in the heart of Reykjavík

Daily after-school care
Daily after-school care is offered for children in K to 4th grade. A variety of clubs are offered on site for students in 5th to 10th grade

Supportive environment
Our teachers are dedicated to the education and wellbeing of our students. We offer support for students with language or educational needs.

The International Department of Landakotsskóli was added in 2015 to meet the educational needs of:
- Iceland's expatriate academic, business and diplomatic community
- families with temporary residence in Iceland
- students returning from abroad who wish to continue their studies in English
- Icelandic families seeking global perspectives in education.
- a comprehensive, universally recogonized global curriculum
- a caring and supportive learning environment
- innovative teaching methodologies
- a range of coursework levels to meet the needs of all students
- numerous on-site learning trips
- a strong emphasis on the arts and creativity.

Our Curriculum
The International Department of Landakotsskóli is proud to be an officially authorized Cambridge International School. All our students follow the Cambridge curriculum, supplemented by the AERO curriculum, in these subject areas:
- English
- French
- Global Perspectives
- Mathematics
- Science
In addition, we offer a range of courses to students of all ages to help develop their creative minds, sense of inquiry, and a lifelong love of learning:
- Art and Design
- Dance
- Digital Literacy
- Drama
- Home economics
- Music
- Physical education
- S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths)
- Swimming
- Woodworking
Standardized Tests:
MAP Tests
Cambridge Progression Exams (1st-7th grade)
Cambridge Checkpoint Exams (5th, 8th grade)
iGCSEs (Spring of 10th grade year)
Samræmd próf (for Icelandic speaking students)

Academic Enrichment and Individualization
We strive to meet and exceed the needs of all our students. Our low student to teacher ratio, and expertise in working with a diverse student population, allows teachers to better meet the varying needs, abilities and interests of our students.
English Language Support
For students who are new to learning in English, additional support and modified coursework is given as the student strengthens their language abilities.
Special Education and Learning Support Services
The International Department of Landakotsskóli offers a range of learning support services for students with our primary goal being the enhancement of our regular school programs as a resource for all students. Individual Education Plans are developed in coordination with our certified Special Education Coordinator and comprehensive support team.
Daily After-School Care
Students from Kindergarten to 4th grade are invited to participate in our after-school program. The after-school program at Landakotsskóli offers structured courses in art, computers, drama, languages, music and outdoor education and allows students to socialize with their peers.
Older students also have access to a range of engaging extra-curricular classes, such as language classes, cooking, chess, school newspaper as well as a bi-weekly homework club.
There is a new social centre organising activities for our teenagers. For any information, please contact the head of the Social Centre.